You can purchase packaging-free roasted and green coffee from El Buho Coffee.

When purchasing coffee from our e-shop, choose “In-person pickup - BRING YOUR OWN PACKAGE” as the shipping option and proceed as follows:

1. When your order is ready for pickup, bring your bags, jars, or other types of packaging of adequate size to our pickup point.

  • To preserve the freshness of roasted coffee, we recommend a quality package with an aroma valve or a vacuum container as roasted coffee releases CO2 and loses aroma. If you have already purchased coffee in an eco bag from us, we recommend using the bag again for bring-your-own package collection.
  • To preserve green coffee, a quality paper a linen bag, or a tin can is sufficient.

2. We will fill your containers with the weighed amount of coffee directly from our containers or jute bags.

Zelená káva z jutových pytlů

3. Carefully store and enjoy fresh coffee at home :-)